Monday, November 26, 2012

Power's back!

Forgeworld Rohan, MkI

After ~18 hours of fiddly work, this is what I had done by the Apocalypse game two weeks ago. I ended up reworking a lot of the leg sections (to make them more stable), and have waaaay more to do.

For the last... few months, I've lost the "want-to" to do anything with 40k. I haven't painted anything since before Halloween, and I haven't been able to sit and build anything paper for longer then a few minutes at a time, and the queue is stacking up.

I've been trying to get out and actually *play*, and for the most part, that has went more or less well. I went to a Tourney with a couple of the competitive-type players and had marginal success. It felt like I did well, though I came nowhere near winning. The Apocalypse game was... hectic, due mostly to lack of sleep and a surprising inability to remember which page of the rulebook specific rules are... That and Imperial Guard artillery is just plain "Shenanigans!" on a table that large.

In any case, I've found the spark again. I've worked on the first (of many) paper Warhounds for Legio Rohan (all papercrafted, I wanna see if I can make them sturdy enough to be permanent models... and so far, they've been doing well.) I ended up reworking the PVC joints because white glue didn't want to stick to it. Also, I figured out a good set of measurements for paper pistons (which surprisingly, actually add a lot to the structural integrity of the model...)

Forgeworld Rohan MkII.

The paper pistons... more to come.

Each Titan will have a Paper tank/vehicle destroyed on its base. I think it'll be a nice touch. Poor little Rhino...

That's what I have so far, I'll keep you updated with other stuff as I go along.

Vaya con Dios,

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