Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rules Conundrum: In light of the recent FAQ...

My thoughts on the "new" range rule: I'm pretty sure that's actually how it was always supposed to be played... The big rule book mentions being out of range in the wound allocation section, though that particular paragraph made little-to-no sense given the context it was placed, but now with this FAQ, it makes just a little more sense.

As long as a model was in range of the enemy when To Hit rolls
were made, he is considered to be in range for the duration of
the Shooting attack, even if the removal of casualties means that
the closest model now lies out of range." - Big Rule Book pg 16

"Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds 
from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e. half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half are not)? (p15)

A: No." - FAQ Entry

Also, to make it simple, I'll sum up: If any model of the target unit is in range of any weapon you are firing, they are considered to be in range for the duration of the shooting attack.

This clears up the "if I don't allocate my Melta first, does it just disappear?" question every has been asking. Mind you, it means adding a heavy weapon with 36"+ range to a tactical squad might be worth it *just* for the extra effective range it gives to boltguns (please note: the boltguns would still have to be in range of a model in the target unit to actually shoot.)

Also, regarding blasts... they break all the rules, so don't fret. They can already hit (and I'd argue wound) models/units out of line of sight, and they can scatter causing hits and wounds to models/unit outside their maximum range. The only real question I see is do we allocate the blast wounds differently (assuming they can actually wound further out than the regular guns) or do you measure your max range to where the scattered marker ends up (assuming it is further than any other max range weapons in the squad)?

Templates are... silly with this new rule, but the simple solution is to fire a second weapon with longer range to mitigate the *teenie-tiny* range of a flame template.

That's all I got. Hope it helps.

Vaya con Dios,

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