Saturday, January 7, 2012

Battle Barn 01-06-12

I went to the local gaming club today (I've moved up to Grand Rapids, just in case you were confused...) and met the crowd around here. The vast majority of the players were quite likable and it seems that the general skill level in this group is higher than average, so I'll have plenty of challenges to look forward to.

Tonight I faced off against Space Wolves (Look at the upper right of the picture) and it was a slaughter fest for both of us at first, but then I lost all my mobility and then got picked off by the two full Long Fang squads in the ruins in the extreme top right of the picture. It ended extremely badly for me, as I only had 1 five man scout squad left on the table (my opponent forgot they existed until turn 5, mostly because they couldn't shoot anything of his until then...)

I definitely made a few mistakes, the first of which was that I deployed first. The second was that I didn't move my tank column the right way to grant myself a cover save (by the time I took the picture... well you see what happened...) and the third major mistake was taking waaaaaaaay too much anti-tank weaponry, well, that and leaving his Long Fangs alone.

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