Monday, October 3, 2011

A Dragon is Born

Today I started working on painting models for my Copper Dragons. A while back I bought a Predator Annihilator (Tri-Lascannon pattern) from the Mercenary Market (a bi-monthly flea market for warhammer models at my FLGS.) So I've decided to make it the first Copper Dragon vehicle I shall paint, well, there was that Dreadnought, but I don't consider them very vehicle-y. Also, I have a 5 man scout squad (4 Bolt Guns, 1 Heavy Bolter) that I got in the Space Wolf Battle Force that I decided to reallocate to the Dragons, mostly because I was given the upper torso bits for a sniper scout that I modeled to look like he was hiding in a bush, which I then wanted to see if the Dragons color scheme would look good on it and I was particularly impressed. I also jacked the Black Reach tactical squad and Captain that I had formerly painted in my Space Wolf colors, and I am planning to repaint them to be Coppers. I'll also be digging through my bitzbox to see what else I can slap together. I think I may be able to get a melta gunner and a multi-melta trooper if I do it right. I also have some random metal terminators lying around, I just need to make enough with a legal weapon loadout for a squad and I'm set.

Vaya con Dios,

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