I figured I'd post a few links to some of the best places to pick up awesome models for sci-fi wargames (not necessarily designed for, but usable with Warhammer 40k...)
The first place is borderline infamous for making models specifically to fill in gaps in the WH40k model line and not even pretending to be generic. They've apparently gotten a lawsuit or two aimed at them from Games Workshop. In any case, they have a few interesting bits to pimp out some of your models, and even have a resin cast mycetic spore (the Tyranid drop pod that GW didn't make a model for...) My only complaint is that some of their stuff just looks... well, wonky. But what they do well is really really good.
Bum bum bah! Chapterhouse Studios:
The second I found earlier today, while looking for inspiration to make a crater marker for exploded tanks and found out someone already has done it, better than I ever would have, and scratch built all the wrecked tank pieces. It looks incredibly convincing, so much so that some people fear this company will suffer a similar fate to that of our friends over at Chapterhouse.
I hereby present to you: Twisted Iron Industries
Also while I'm on the topic, there is another Ebay-based store for amazing scratchbuilt superheavy tank components. Blood and Skulls Industry: Home of the Fellblade upgrade kit.
Bitspudlo.com is an index site for about 12 other wargame bits sites, but the shining star of Bitspudlo.com is the selection from Bitsbox.eu. They really are one of the most impressive bits makers out there. Most specifically, Bitsbox.eu has some amazing bits that can be used on the new-style Rhino chassis to turn it into a Razorback of the varieties that GW doesn't make the bits for. For example, they make a Lascannon+Twin linked plasma gun turret that GW doesn't, also a "Gatling cannon platform" and a heavy flamer platform. As a side note they sell a version of thunderwolf cavalry (again, no official models available from GW) which I kind of like but there are so many out there right now, it's all a matter of personal taste, honestly. Maxmini models are also featured on Bitspudlo and they have their own thunderwolves, but I'm not a fan of those in particular.
Speaking of websites that make thunderwolves, I'll just give you a list:
And my personal favorite (due to variety of poses, affordability,
and quality of detail in the models themselves):
That's about all I have right now, I'll post other places when I happen upon them.
Vaya con Dios,
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